Family, Friends, and Fun. If you’ve met or talked to us, you’ve heard these buzzwords before.
Fish Sh!t was launched into the market based on two of our founders, Dave and Tommy, meeting through a mutual friend. Dave and Tommy’s good friend Kyle was living with Muscular Dystrophy and Dave and Tommy were always getting together with Kyle to not only support him, but also to have a good time. Unfortunately MD overtook Kyle, but the lasting friendship Dave and Tommy built would become the foundation for the launch of Fish Sh!t into the marketplace. Tommy and Dave made a pact to keep Kyle’s memory alive and the Fish in our logo is named after Kyle. Dave created Fish Sh!t and Tommy hit the road to make a name for the product. Every time we see our logo and every time we hear from customers, it is a constant reminder to all of us that Kyle was our inspiration and he continues to live on through our company’s presence and product.
As Fish Sh!t started to gain some traction in the market, Tommy reached out to his friend Tom, who invested in the company and also brought his friend, Joe, into the company as a partner to run the commercial efforts with Tommy, while Dave continued to refine and produce Fish Sh!t. Tommy and Joe have traveled the country over the last four years spreading the gospel, meeting new friends and having a blast while doing it. Joe’s two sons work as sales reps for the company and Tommy’s niece works in the office. Recently, Joe brought in his friend of over 40 years, Benny, to help continue to expand the footprint of Fish Sh!t based on the strong foundation that was established by Dave, Tommy and Joe.
Whether partners in business, or partners in crime out on the road and across the country, the Fish Head Farms Crew is always looking to meet more friends, have more fun, and educate folks on Fish Sh!t. We look forward to having fun with the friends we have made, meeting more friends along the way, and bringing Fish Sh!t to everyone who grows anything. If it grows, it just grows better with Fish Sh!t.
Ain’t no other Sh!t Like It!